Spinal Decompression Treatment Overview

Nonsurgical spinal decompression is a great way to treat patients with lower back spinal problems such as sciatica, bulging discs herniated discs and more.

To see if we can help, call us for a free consultation (360) 260-6903








Hey, it’s Dr. Troy here. The Vancouver chiropractor.

Today I want to talk about spinal decompression. Particularly I want to talk about low back spinal disc, nonsurgical spinal decompression treatment for patients with sciatica, bulging discs, herniated disc, sequestered discs they may have leg pain sciatica spinal stenosis, spinal degeneration neuropathy, these are the types patients we have seen improve greatly with spinal decompression.

We actually have a patient right now on the table, she wants to take a nap look like. Pretty much we harness the pelvis and we harness the upper back. And we decompress the disc so we can actually focus on which level L4, L5, L3, L2, L1.  Which disc level involvement there really is. Usually, that is going to be determined by looking at an MRI.

So now if we want to do an L5, we are actually at an L5 on this patient. But we want to do an L5 disc treatment but that just depends on what angle the pole is going to come out at.

A lot of people are scared when they have back pain to move or do anything. I gotta tell you  I have first-hand experience, I’ve been through two rounds of serious back pain. One of the reasons I bought one of these things is because I was driving 60 minutes three times a week to get my treatments and I said I’m going to buy one of these for myself and I just happened to let patients borrow it every once in awhile.

Lisa is lying on our machine and we are just going to ask her a couple questions.

Dr. Troy: So how does it feel? Is it comfortable, is it sore? Are you in pain? Tell people that are interested in this what you are feeling.

Lisa: It feels really good! It’s not uncomfortable at all actually and it feels good!

Dr. Troy: So do you feel like you need to take a nap, like you a latte?  Or what?

Lisa:  Yes all of the above would be great!

She is actually going through about a 28-minute treatment protocol. There are 18 cycles and we’re going to take, with her we are pulling about 60 pounds; we usually use about half the body weight and we start conservative and then we can work our way up.  One thing people do notice when they get off it can kind of help “wake things up” There is a rehab protocol for strengthening the muscles. The bad thing about it is that people will come in and do the disc decompression but then they don’t do any rehab with it.

If you don’t do the rehab with now you’ve pulled the disc apart and gotten it functioning and fluid in there and gotten it healthier, but you’ve got to strengthen what supports that. In many cases, it is the weakness in the kinetic chain and those posterior muscles in the spine that weaken.  Now it starts compromising the disc and the nerve roots. And that’s really where the combination of the decompression and the rehab stuff that we do can help.

We have a 60-second pull and then we are going to take a break for 30 seconds, Right now you can see that she’s going to relax, and we are going to get less pull on the disc. Then we will ramp it up here to about 60 seconds and it’s going to get up to about 60 pounds. So this is what we want to do this disc, and this is what is actually happening to her spine and her discs.

This here is feedback from the server motors. The motor is communicating thirteen times a second with what’s happening to the patient. Lisa, maybe move a little bit, now relax. You will notice she moved and now you can see the big spike here. Ideally, what we want to do is this to the disc. So, the motor is getting feedback, it’s trying to accomplish this. Sometimes when people are in a lot of pain they have muscle spasms.  So this just helps us control the pull so that we can get the desired treatment protocol which is known to be very successful in these cases.

So this is Dr.Troy on Lumbar Disc Decompression.  If you’re suffering, looking at surgery, you’ve had surgery, potentially this could right for you. Free consultation.Call the office, one of our doctors will be happy to take a look at you and let you know if spinal decompression is right for you, (360) 260-6903.